ENIEDA’s aims and objectives are the following:
to (co-)organise regular ENIEDA thematic conferences – CLIE events (Conferences on Linguistic and Intercultural Education);
– to (co-)edit periodicals, thematic volumes and other scholarly publications;
– to develop innovative intercultural and interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and research;
– to design and develop jointly combined face-to-face and online teaching programmes;
– to optimise language teacher education through transnational exchange of best practices;
– to establish high quality, innovative and internationally attractive MA and PhD programmes – giving priority to competitive focus areas;
– to set up and develop transnational co-teaching and co-supervision teams;
– to submit joint research and developemnt proposals to national, European and international funding institutions;
– to disseminate and promote our research output and make it more visible and accesible to a variety of audiences (academic, professional, general).